
PRAYER AS We Go To Our Daily Work

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Prayer to Start the Workday

Almighty God, we bless and praise Thee that we have wakened to the light of another earthly day; and now we will think of what a day should be.

Our days are Thine, let them be spent for Thee. Our days are few, let them be spent with care. We pray Thee to shine on this day—the day which we may call our own.

Lord, we go to our daily work; help us to take pleasure therein. Show us clearly what our duty is; help us to be faithful in doing it. Let all we do be well done, fit for Thine eye to see. Give us strength to do, patience to bear; let our courage never fail.

When we cannot love our work, let us think of it as Thy task; and by our true love to Thee, make unlovely things shine in the light of Thy great love. Amen.

Examination of Conscience Based On 7 Deadly Sins

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Individual Examination of Conscience 

7 Deadly Sins

 “Pride is an untrue opinion of ourselves, an untrue idea of what we are not.” Have I a superior attitude in thinking, or speaking or acting? Am I snobbish?  Have I offensive, haughty ways of acting or carrying myself?  Do I hold myself above others? Do I demand recognition?  Do I desire to be always first? Do I seek advice?  Am I ready to accept advice? Am I in any sense a “bully”?  Am I inclined to be “bossy”? Do I speak ill of others?  Have I lied about others?  Do I make known the faults of others?  Do I seek to place the blame on others, excusing myself?  Is there anyone to whom I refuse to speak? Is there anyone to whom I have not spoken for a long time?  Am I prone to argue?  Am I offensive in my arguments? Have I a superior “know-it-all attitude” in arguments?  Am I self-conscious?  Am I sensitive?  Am I easily wounded?
 “Envy is a sadness which we feel, on account of the good that happens to our neighbor.”  Do I feel sad at the prosperity of others? At their success in games? In athletics?  Do I rejoice at their failures?  Do I envy the riches of others?
“Sloth is a kind of cowardice and disgust, which makes us neglect and omit our duties,rather than to discipline ourselves.”  Have I an inordinate love of rest,neglecting my duties?  Do I act lazily?  Am I too fond of rest? Do I take lazy positions in answering prayers? Do I kneel in a lounging way?  Do I delight in idle conversation?  Do I fail to be fervent in the service of God?
 “Lust is the love of the pleasures that are contrary to purity.”  Have I desired or done impure things? Have I taken pleasure in entertaining impure thoughts or desires? Have I read impure material, listened to music with impure lyrics, or looked at impure images, whether in photos or on television or in movies or on the Internet? Have I aroused sexual desire in myself or another by impure kissing, embracing, or touching? Have I committed impure actions alone, i.e.,masturbation? Do I dress immodestly or am I too concerned with the way I look?Do I use vulgar language or tell or listen to impure jokes or stories? Have I given into desires of adultery even in my imagination?
 “Covetousness is a disordered love of the goods of this world.”  Do I dispose of my money properly or selfishly?  Do I discharge my duties in justice to my fellow man?  Do I discharge my duties in justice to the Church?
“Gluttony is a disordered love of eating and drinking.”  Do I eat to live or live to eat?  Do I drink to excess?  Do I get drunk?  Do I misuse prescription drugs?  Do I use illegal drugs?  Have I allowed myself to become addicted to alcohol and/or drugs?
 “An emotion of the soul, which leads us violently to repel whatever hurts or displeases us.”  Am I prone to anger?  Does practically any little thing arouse my temper?  Am I what is generally termed “a sore-head”? Do I fail to repress the first signs of anger? Do I fail to get along well with everybody? Do I ponder over slights or injuries and even presume them?  Do I rejoice at the misfortunes of others? Do I think of means of revenge? Of “getting even”?  Am I of an argumentative disposition? Have I a spirit of contradiction?  Am I given to ridicule of persons, places, or things?  Am I hard to get along with?  Do I carry grudges, remain “on the outs” with anyone?  Do I talk about the faults of others?  Do I reveal the faults or defects of others?  Do I reveal the faults of others from the wrong motive?

O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You, and I detest all my sins because of Your just punishments, but most of all because they offend You, my God, who are all-good and deserving of all my love.  I firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin.  Amen.

Examination of Conscience Based On The Commandments

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Individual Examination of Conscience 

10 Commandments 

First Commandment: “I am the Lord your God, you shall not have strange gods before Me.”
Have I denied God? Have I been ashamed of or denied my faith in front of others? Have I ridiculed the teachings or practices of the Church? Have I neglected my prayers? Have I used witchcraft, Wicca, or other Occult practices? Have I practiced various forms of superstition such as fortune tellers, mediums, ouija boards, tarot cards?
Second Commandment: “Do not take the name of the Lord in vain.” 
Do I use God’s name carelessly, in anger, or in surprise? Have I called down evil upon anyone or anything?
Third Commandment: “Keep holy the Sabbath Day.”
Have I, through my own fault, failed to come to Mass each Sunday and every Holy Day of Obligation? Do I arrive at Mass late or leave early without good reason? Do I allow myself to be distracted at Mass?
Fourth Commandment: “Honor your father and mother.” 
Have I disobeyed my parents or treated them with disrespect? Am I disrespectful, impolite, or discourteous toward my family? Have I neglected my work or my studies? Have I been helpful in my home? Have I failed to study seriously and with diligence? Have I missed an exam at school because of laziness? Am I disrespectful toward the elderly? Am I disobedient to the civil law or to those in authority such as the police?
Fifth Commandment: “You shall not kill.”
Did I have an abortion or help another to have an abortion? Have I mutilated my body or another’s body? Did I attempt suicide or seriously consider thoughts of suicide? Do I act violently by fighting or hitting others? Have I had thoughts of hatred toward another? Have I taken illegal drugs or abused prescription drugs? Have I sold or distributed illegal drugs? Do I neglect to take proper care of my body? Do I eat too much, or sleep too much? Do I drink beer or other alcoholic beverages in excess? Have I allowed myself to become intoxicated?  Am I too concerned about my health or appearance? Do I deliberately harbor unkind and revengeful thoughts about others? Have Itaken revenge? Have I used harsh or abusive language toward another? Do I act rudely, impolitely, or ridicule others? Have I been guilty of the sin of racism? Am I cruel to animals?
Sixth & Ninth Commandments: “Do not commit adultery.  Do not covet your neighbors wife.” 
Have I desired or done impure things? Have I taken pleasure in entertaining impure thoughts or desires? Have I read impure material, listened to music with impure lyrics, or looked at impure images, whether in photos or on television or in movies or on the Internet? Have I aroused sexual desire in myself or another by impure kissing, embracing, or touching? Have I committed impure actions alone, i.e., masturbation? Have I committed homosexual acts or other unnatural acts? Do I use artificial contraception whether surgical, barrier or chemical methods? Have I dressed immodestly or been too concerned with the way I look? Do I use vulgar language or tell or listen to impure jokes or stories?
Seventh and tenth Commandments: “You shall not steal.  Do not covet your neighbor’s goods.” 
Have I taken anything that was not my own? Have I damaged private or public property or defaced it by vandalism? Have I been guilty of shop-lifting? Have I accepted or bought stolen property or helped someone to steal? Have I bribed someone? Do I gamble excessively? Have I borrowed something without the owner’s permission? Have I failed to return something I borrowed? Do I waste money or spend it extravagantly? Have I harbored a greed for money or worldly possessions? Have I made of money, or any possession, a false god? Do I waste goods or food? Have I cheated on tests or schoolwork? Have I cheated in games or sports?
Eighth Commandment: “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” 
Have I lied deliberately? Have I sworn to do something sinful or illegal? Have I slandered others by attributing to them sins they did not commit or of which I had no evidence? Do I gossip about others or listen to gossip? Have I told a secret I was asked to keep? Have I betrayed someone’s trust? Have I criticized anyone uncharitably? Do I make rash judgments and harbor false suspicions about others? Have I deliberately misled or deceived anyone? Have I refused to forgive someone or held a grudge against him or her? Have I failed to apologize or make amends to someone I offended?
Other considerations:  
Am I greedy or selfish or do I indulge in self-pity? Am I proud or vain or do I show off?  Am I superficial and worldly? Do I desire to be praised by exaggerating my success? Am I touchy and hypersensitive? Do I magnify the least oversight or thoughtlessness into an insult or deliberate slight? Have I been boastful? Have I been arrogant with others? Have I obstinately defended actions which are sinful, either my own or other’s? Am I rebellious? Have I spent useless time planted before the TV when I could be doing more constructive things? Am I envious of someone’s possessions and do I inordinately desire them to be my own? Do I take delight in the misfortunes of others?
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You, and I detest all my sins because of Your just punishments, but most of all because they offend You, my God, who are all-good and deserving of all my love.  I firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin.  Amen.


Fix Me Jesus

Oh yes, fix me, Jesus, fix me.
Fix me so that I can walk on
a little while longer.
Fix me so that I can pray on
just a little bit harder.
Fix me so that I can sing on
just a little bit louder.
Fix me so that I can go on despite the pain,
the fear, the doubt, and yes, the anger,
I ask not that you take this cross from me,
only that you give me the strength to continue carrying it onward 'til my dying day.
Oh, fix me, Jesus, fix me.

Prayer Before Going To Sleep

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            Prayer Before Going To Bed

My precious Lord,
As this day comes to a close,
I take this moment to turn to You.
Help me, in this moment of quiet, to examine my day.
(Do a brief examination of conscience )
Lord, I thank You for helping me to see my sin.
Please give to me the grace of humility
So that I can admit all my sin without reserve.
I pray that every sin will be forgiven,
And I open myself to Your grace
So that Your merciful Heart will create me anew.
I also call to mind the way in which You were present to me this day.
(Take a moment to ponder the graces God blessed you with this day)
Lord, I thank You for the blessings of this day.
Please help me to see these blessings as Your divine presence in my life.
May I turn from sin and turn to You.
Your presence in my life brings great joy;
My sin leads to sorrow and despair.
I choose You as my Lord.
I choose You as my guide
And pray for Your abundant blessings tomorrow.
May this night be restful in You.
May it be a night of renewal.
Speak to me, Lord, as I sleep.
Guard me and protect me the whole night through.
My guardian angel, Saint Joseph, my Blessed Mother,
Intercede for me now and always.


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Expect the Impossible

"Faith can move mountain." 

"All things are possible to him who believes." - Mark 9:23

Did you know the spirit of expectancy is key to receiving your miracle? If you only see the natural realm of the possible as what is possible for you-that's not faith! God works miracles because we believe! We could look at one miracle after another and see that truth in action.

* In Mark 5:34, when the woman with the issue of blood receives her healing, Jesus says, "Daughter, your faith has made you well."

* In Luke 17:19, the leper is healed and made whole. Why? Jesus said, "Your faith has healed you."

* In Mark 10:52, blind Bartimaeus received the miracle of his sight restored. The reason? Jesus said, "Your faith has healed you."

With Faith I want you to share this page with other people you think deserve a miracle


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Sign of the Cross

Sing (Kneeling)
O salutaris Hostia,
Quae caeli pandis ostium:
Bella premunt hostilia,
Da robur, fer auxilium.
Uni trinoque Domino
Sit sempiterna gloria,
Qui vitam sine termino
Nobis donet in patria.


O Senor Santo Nino, * You are our king and our God. * We worship You. * You are our
strong Defender, * we turn to you.
You are the patron of Cebu, the Philippines * [and the world], we come to you; You have
made extraordinary wonders * through Your Miraculous Image * in these chosen islands, *
remember us. * Look down at this poor soul * that comes to you for help. * Lead us with Your
wisdom; * discipline us with Your truth; * console us with Your tenderness, * protect us with Your
We consecrate today * our thoughts of You, * only with You * shall they be occupied; *
our words, * only of You shall they speak; * our sufferings, that we may endure them * for Your
sake. * We beg You Senor Santo Nino, * illumine our understanding, * kindle our will, * cleanse
our body, * sanctify our soul. * We wish what You wish, * because You wish, * as You wish, * as
long as You wish.
Grant us, Senor Santo Niño * that we may feel love toward you, * be strict toward
ourselves, * be zealous toward our fellowmen, * and rightly despise * the things of the world. *
Help us to overcome sensuality * with strict discipline, * avariciousness with generosity, * anger
with gentleness, * indolence with zealous industry. * Make us wise in counsel, * courageous in
danger, * patient in adversity, * humble in prosperity.
Teach us, * dear Santo Niño, * how worthless is the world, * how sublime is heaven, *
how brief is time, * how long is eternity. * Grant us, lastly, that we may remember you, * adore
you, * love you * and serve you * here on earth * that we may be happy with you * forever and
ever in heaven.
Holy God, we praise Your Name.
Lord of all! we bow before You;
All on earth Your scepter claim,
All in heaven above adore You;
Infinite Your vast domain,
Everlasting is Your reign.
Hark! the loud celestial hymn,
Angels’ choirs above are raising;
Cherubim and Seraphim
In unceasing chorus praising,
Fill the heavens with sweet accord,
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord!
Recite three times Our Father,
Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father
in honor of Santo Niño


Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Jesus, hear us.
Jesus, graciously hear us.
In every need let us come to you with humble trust.
R. Santo Nino, help us.
In our all doubts, perplexities and temptations,
R. Santo Nino, help us.
In hours of loneliness, weariness and trials,
R. Santo Nino, help us.
In the failure of our plans and hopes.
R. Santo Nino, help us.
In disappointments, troubles and sorrows,
R. Santo Nino, help us.
When others fail us, and Your Grace alone can assist us.
R. Santo Nino, help us.
When we throw ourselves on your tender love as our only refuge.
R. Santo Nino, help us.
When we are ill and our head and hands cannot work and we are lonely.
R. Santo Nino, help us.
When we feel impatient and our cross irritates us.
R. Santo Nino, help us.
Always, always, in spite of weaknesses, failings and shortcomings of every kind.
R. Santo Nino, help us.
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world:
Spare us. O Jesus.
Lamb of God who take away the sins of te world:
Graciously hear us, O Jesus
Lamb of God who take away the sins of the world:
have mercy upon us, O Jesus.
Jesus, hear us.
Jesus, Graciously hear us.


O Santo Nino, * who has said, * “ask and you shall receive; * seek and you shall find; * knock and it shall be opened unto you,” * Give we beseech you, * to us who ask * the gift of Your divine love, * that we may love You * with our whole heart, * in word and work, * and never cease * from showing forth your praise.
Make us, O Lord, * to have a perpetual fear and love of Your Holy Name, * for You never fail to govern them * whom you solidly establish * in Your love; * through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Indulgence of 7 years, No. 144).


One day to these Islands, *as gift and in pledge;
God sent you to us, Oh beloved Child;
And always you have been, the light of our souls;
The guide of our people, the flame in our hearts.
Senor Santo Nino, with your scepter guide our people,
Who hail you king forever; the World is your Kingdom.
Senor Santo Nino, in Your hands the world find its resting;
Proclaim your truth and justice, bring to us Your peace and love.
The ship You were sailing, arrived at our shores,
to conquer this land, the pearl of the seas;
But you had decided, to stay in our soil;
To conquer our people, and give us a name
(Repeat Chorus)
The queen and the rajah, accepting the faith;
Received you in their arms, and fell on their knees;
They welcomed your presence, and called on your name.
To ask for your blessings, and help in their needs.
(Repeat Chorus)
More ships in the Orient, with soldiers arrived;
And searching for gold, they found you instead;
Legaspi, Urdaneta, the Rajah, the Queen;
Their subjects our people, proclaimed you their king.
(Repeat Chorus)
Now one as nation, we pay You respect,
Our people had pledged, a long time ago;
We ask You to hear the prayers of all;
The sad and forsaken, the poor and the sick.


O miraculous Santo Nino! * prostrate before your sacred Image, * we beseech You * to cast a merciful look * on our troubled hearts. * Let Your tender love, * so inclined to pity, * be softened at our prayers, * and grant us that grace * for which we ardently implore You. * Take from us * all unbearable affliction and despair. For your sacred infancy’s sake * hear our prayers * and send us consolation and aid * that we may praise You, * with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.
Tantum ergo Sacramentum
Veneremur cernui:
Et antiquum documentum
Novo cedat ritui:
Præstet fides supplementum
Sensuum defectui.
Genitori, Genitoque
Laus et jubilatio,
Salus, honor, virtus quoque
Sit et benedictio:
Procedenti ab utroque


Blessed be God.
Blessed be his Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus.
Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be His Most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most Holy.
Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the Name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste Spouse.
Blessed be God in His angels and in His Saints
SING: (Kneeling)
O Sacrament Most Holy
O Sacrament divine,
All praise and all thanksgiving
Be every moment Thine,
Be every moment Thine.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.



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O miraculous Santo Nino,
prostrate before your sacred Image, we beseech you
to cast a merciful look on our troubled hearts. 
Let Your tender love, so inclined to pity, be softened at our prayers, and grant us that grace for which we ardently implore you. Take from us all unbearable affliction and despair.
For your sacred infancy’s sake hear our prayers and send us consolation and aid that we may praise you, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.


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