Showing posts with label Saint Joseph. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saint Joseph. Show all posts


A Simple Gratitude Offering to Saint Joseph


A Simple Gratitude Offering to the Foster Father of our Lord and Saviour on

 this Year of St. Joseph (December 8, 2020- December 8,2021) as proclaimed recently by 

Pope Francis.


by Fray Bobby S. Castellano, Jr.OP

This Litany Prayer is fondly dedicated to all fellow devotees of St. Joseph, The Universal Patron of the Church and The Forster Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. May all who will recite this prayer experience God’s love, forgiveness and mercy thru the unfailing intercession and powerful patronage of St. Joseph!

S-ervant of the Holy Family, pray for us.

A-dvocate   of the oppressed and distressed, pray for us.

I-ntelligent protector of the   Holy Family, pray for us.

N- otable guide of all families, pray for us.

T- eacher of the child Jesus, pray for us.

J-ust man of labor, pray for us.

O-utstanding Master of Interior Life, pray for us.

S-elf-oblation to the Divine Will, pray for us.

E-xemplar model of husbands, pray for us.

P- atron of workers, pray for us.

H-umble powerful intercessor of devotees, pray for us.

F-aithful husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, pray for us.

O-ne with Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

S-ilent protector of the oppressed and distressed, pray for us.

T-rue Disciple of the Triune God, pray for us.

E-xcellent Model of Purity, pray for us.

R-esplendent epitome of Christian virtues, pray for us.

F-ortitude in Silent Suffering, pray for us.

A-dvocate of the faithless and hopeless, pray for us.

T-error of fallen angels, pray for us.

H-eart imbued with sublime Chastity, pray for us.

E-fficacious mediator to the Triune God, pray for us.

R-ecovery of the sick and dying, pray for us.

O-mnipotent in merits before the Throne of the Almighty, pray for us.

F-aith-filled, silent man of wisdom, pray for us.

J-ewel among his faithful devotees, pray for us.

E-mpathic to the repentant sinners, pray for us.

S-teadfast in holy fatherhood to Jesus until death, pray for us.

U-niversal Patron of the Mystical Body of Christ, pray for us.

S-anctity in the dignity of work, pray for us.

Leader: Pray for us Oh! Blessed Joseph, Foster Father of Jesus.

Response: That we be made worthy of the promises of Christ!

Let us pray, Oh Blessed Joseph, God grant you the gift of holy fatherhood to the child Jesus. By the help of your efficacious prayers, may we be able to become true children of the Triune God. Through the merits bestowed on you by the Almighty Father, may we obtain sound health of body and soul so that we can be of service in building every home as a dwelling place of God. We earnestly beseech you Blessed Foster Father of Jesus, that you adopt us, as your own child, like your Son, Jesus so that with your unfailing powerful patronage and protection, we may become a true emulator of your Son. Accompany us dearest Joseph in our pilgrimage to holiness and keep us against the allurements of the evil spirits until one day we can gratefully greet you in Paradise. We asked this through Jesus, Christ, our Lord and Savior, who lives and reigns with the Father and Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.

St. Joseph, Foster Father of Jesus, pray for us. (3X)

Photo Credits: Google Images


Catholic Prayers: Consecration to Saint Joseph (Of Children By Their...

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Feastday: March 19th & May 1st
Patron: of the Universal Church, unborn children, fathers, workers, travelers, immigrants, and a happy death
St. Joseph was the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the foster-father of Jesus. Holy Scripture proclaims him as a "just man," and the Church has turned to Joseph for his patronage and protection. Pope Leo XIII in his encyclical Quamquam Pluries (On the Devotion to St. Joseph) in 1889 explains why we place so much trust in this saint: The Church encourages us to be devoted to Joseph because he was a model in the heroic practice of all the virtues. The example of virtuous living that he gave in the exact fulfillment of the duties of his state of life is worthy of our reflection. Read the gospel and you will see his faith, hope and charity practiced under trying circumstances. He was prudent in caring for his wife and the child; he showed great leadership in protecting them and assisting them. He was religious in every sense, with that delicacy and sincerity of conscience that is proper to the saints of God. He was just in his dealings with God and man. He was conspicuous for his fortitude and courage. He was truly outstanding in the practice of virginal chastity.

The circumstances of Joseph's death are not known, but it is likely that he died before Jesus's ministry began, and it is implied that he was dead before the Crucifixion (John 19:26-27).


Prayer 1:
O Blessed Saint Joseph, faithful guardian and protector of virgins, to whom God entrusted Jesus and Mary, I implore you by the love which you did bear them, to preserve me from every defilement of soul and body, that I may always serve them in holiness and purity of love. Amen.

Prayer For Special Favor:
Glorious Saint Joseph, foster-father and protector of Jesus Christ, to you I raise my heart and my hands to implore your powerful intercession. Please obtain for me from the kind Heart of Jesus the help and the graces necessary for my spiritual and temporal welfare. I ask particularly for the grace of a happy death and the special favor I now implore.
(Make your petition here...)
Guardian of the Word Incarnate, I feel animated with confidence that your prayers in my behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God. O glorious Saint Joseph, through the love you bear to Jesus Christ, and for the glory of His name, hear my prayers and obtain my petitions.

To St. Joseph for Protection
Gracious St. Joseph, protect me and my family from all evil as you did the Holy Family. Kindly keep us ever united in the love of Christ, ever fervent in imitation of the virtue of our Blessed Lady, your sinless spouse, and always faithful in devotion to you. Amen.

Prayer to St. Joseph by Pope St. Pius X
Glorious St. Joseph, model of all who are devoted to labor, obtain for me the grace to work in the spirit of penance in expiation of my many sins; to work conscientiously by placing love of duty above my inclinations; to gratefully and joyously deem it an honor to employ and to develop by labor the gifts I have received from God, to work methodically, peacefully, and in moderation and patience, without ever shrinking from it through weariness or difficulty to work; above all, with purity of intention and unselfishness, having unceasingly before my eyes death and the account I have to render of time lost, talents unused, good not done, and vain complacency in success, so baneful to the work of God. All for Jesus, all for Mary, all to imitate thee, O patriarch St. Joseph! This shall be my motto for life and eternity.


PRAYER TO ST JOSEPH (After The Night Prayers)

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(To be said after the night prayers)
Glorious St Joseph, who wast chosen by Almighty God to be the foster-father of the Word made flesh, the comforter of His most holy Mother, the faithful co-operator among men in His greatest design.
Obtain for me to do in all things the Will of the Father, to cherish in my heart the mysteries accomplished in the person of the Son, and by the abundant graces of the Holy Ghost to persevere, pure of heart and chaste of body, in the service of God.

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