Showing posts with label catholic church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label catholic church. Show all posts



5 Reasons to Wear a Miraculous Medal

One of the most beloved medals in the Catholic Church is the Miraculous Medal, also known as the “Medal of the Immaculate Conception.” It is a devotional medal that was given by Our Blessed Virgin Mary herself to us through her apparitions to St. Catherine Laboure in Lourdes, France.

Here are 5 reasons why you should wear the Miraculous Medal now!

It’s a Medal Designed by the Blessed Virgin Herself!

The Miraculous Medal is a very special medal designed by the Blessed Virgin Mary herself! Unlike other medals, which are designed by human hands, the Miraculous Medal’s design is based on the exact specifications given by Our Lady herself to St. Catherine Laboure! In her apparitions to St. Catherine, she said: “Have a Medal struck after this model. All who wear it will receive great graces; they should wear it around the neck. Graces will abound for persons who wear it with confidence.'”

Many Miracles Have Been Granted to Wear the Miraculous Medal

When the medal first came into being, it wasn’t called the Miraculous Medal yet. In fact, it was initially just called the Medal of the Immaculate Conception. However, in less than ten years, it became known as the Miraculous Medal because of the many graces and wonders that quickly became associated with wearing it. Health was restored, sickness banished; bad habits broken, special graces given; dangers averted.
According to one source, between 1930 and 1950, more than 750,000 favors were granted and registered in just the city of Philadelphia alone.
Our Blessed Mother wants us to ask her for prayers. Our Lord wants us to go to Him and tell him what is on our minds and in our hearts. Having this medal around our necks at all times is a constant reminder to pray. And as Mary promised, those who wear it will receive great graces.

Great Saints Wore the Miraculous Medal

Some great saints throughout history wore the Miraculous Medal! St. Maximillian Kolbe and Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta are just two of the many saints throughout history who wore the Miraculous Medal. St. Maximilian Kolbe called the Miraculous Medal a “silver bullet” against evil.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta called the Miraculous Medal a “medal of charity” and gave it out by the hand to many people. She said that the medal is a sign that God loves each and every individual at each and every moment of our lives

They Show Dedication to Mary and Jesus

The front of the Miraculous Medal shows Mary and bears the inscription “O Mary, Conceived without Sin, Pray for us who have recourse to thee.” However, the reverse side shows an “M” the symbol for Mary, interwoven with a cross, a symbol for Jesus. This symbol is above the images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Sacred Heart of Mary.
Just like all Catholic devotion to Mary, the significance of the Miraculous Medal comes from Mary’s connection to Jesus.

It’s a Reminder to Ask for Help

The images on the medal were designed by the Blessed Mother and spoken to St. Catherine Laboure. Our Blessed Mother said that the rays coming from some of her fingers demonstrate the graces God gives through her to those who ask and are open.
There are some fingers where no rays are shown. Mary said that is to demonstrate the graces that are not given because they were not requested of her. Just another reminder of Matthew 7:7; “Ask and it shall be given to you”.

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