
Prayer to Our Lady, Queen of Angels

[Please Read]

The faithful are asked to say this prayer frequently and fervently. It is of great importance given the following remarkable background:

[1] The prayer was dictated by the Blessed Mother herself to the holy and venerable priest, Fr. Louis–Γ‰douard Cestac, on January 13, 1863 as a means to combat the powers of Hell.

[2] An exorcism prayer in itself, this is a formidable prayer for “spiritual battle” especially needed for our times when the ravages caused by the fallen angels are everywhere conspicuous and unrelenting.

[3] It is a prayer approved by the Church: It was recommended to the faithful by Pope Pius IX, and later indulgenced by both Popes Leo XIII and Pius X.


[ August Queen of Heaven Prayer ]
An Indulgence of 500 days.
(S. C. Ind., July 8, 1908; S. P. Ap., Mar. 28, 1935)

O, August Queen and our Lady of Angels,
who received from God the power and mission of crushing the head of Satan,
we humbly beg you to send us heavenly legions,
with Saint Michael the Archangel as head
so that under your orders they may chase the demons,
combat them everywhere,
repress their boldness,
and drive them back into the abyss.
“Who is like God?”
O good and tender Mother,
you shall always be our love and our hope.
O Divine Mother, send your holy angels to defend us,
and to drive away from us the cruel enemy.
Holy angels and archangels, defend us and guard us.

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