
Never Ever Stop Praying For The Best Of Everyone

Hate no one, 

No matter how much 

they’ve wronged you.

Hate no one, no matter how much they’ve hurt you.
Hate no one, no matter how much they’ve betrayed you.
Live humbly, no matter how wealthy you become.
Live humbly, no matter how famous you become.
Live humbly, no matter how powerful you become.
Think positively, no matter how hard life is.
Think positively, no matter how many problems you face right now.
Think positively, no matter how many people come and go in your life.
Give much, even if you’ve only got little.
Give much, even if you’ve been given little.
Give much, even if you’ve been suffering a lot.
Forgive all, especially yourself.
Forgive all, especially those who did not as for it.
Forgive all, especially everyone who brought you pain and suffering.

And never ever stop PRAYING for the best for everyone.

The essence of the recap of God’s commandments as summed in two great commandments is Love for God and neighbor. Hating no one / Living humbly / Thinking Positively / Giving much or Being Generous / Forgiving all / And Praying ceaselessly for the best for everyone…


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