
Catholic Prayers: Here is the Most Powerful Healing Prayer by Saint ...

Catholic Prayers: Here is the Most Powerful Healing Prayer by Saint ...:   Most Powerful Healing Prayer by St. Padre Pio Heavenly Father, I thank you for loving me. I thank you for sending your Son, Our Lord Jesus...

Catholic Prayers: Powerful Prayers by Saint Padre Pio for Healing an...

Catholic Prayers: Powerful Prayers by Saint Padre Pio for Healing an...:   PRAYER FOR THE INTERCESSION OF PADRE PIO Dear God, You generously blessed Your servant, St. Pio of Pietrelcina, with the gifts of the Spir...

Say this unfailing Prayer for the Family to Jesus ,Mary and Joseph

 A Prayer for Family

O dear Jesus, I humbly implore You to grant Your special graces to our family. May our home be the shrine of peace, purity, love, labor and faith. I beg You, dear Jesus, to protect and bless all of us, absent and present, living and dead.

O Mary, loving Mother of Jesus, and our Mother, pray to Jesus for our family, for all the families of the world, to guard the cradle of the newborn, the schools of the young and their vocations.

Blessed Saint Joseph, holy guardian of Jesus and Mary, assist us by your prayers in all the necessities of life. Ask of Jesus that special grace which He granted to you, to watch over our home at the pillow of the sick and the dying, so that with Mary and with you, heaven may find our family unbroken in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.



Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima

Pray this traditional prayer to Our Lady of Fatima to receive extraordinary spiritual graces from God.

The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in 1917 to three shepherd children near Fatima, Portugal. She spoke to them for several months, culminating in a miraculous vision seen by hundreds of witnesses.

Ever since then she has been invoked under the title of “Our Lady of Fatima,” as well as “Our Lady of the Rosary.”

She is known for her powerful intercession, especially for healing and strength to endure any trial.

Here is a traditional prayer to Our Lady of Fatima that many have prayed over the years for special graces from God.

Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima

O Most Holy Virgin Mary, Queen of the most holy Rosary, you were pleased to appear to the children of Fatima and reveal a glorious message. We implore you, inspire in our hearts a fervent love for the recitation of the Rosary. By meditating on the mysteries of the redemption that are recalled therein may we obtain the graces and virtues that we ask, through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Redeemer. Amen

Our Lady of Fátima Background and History

 On May 13, the Church celebrates the anniversary of the appearance of Mary to three shepherd children in the town of Fatima, in Portugal, in 1917. Between May 13 and October 13 of that year, Mary appeared six times to brother and sister Francisco, 8, and Jacinta, 6, and their cousin Lucia, 9.

On May 13, 1917, the three children were in the field when they saw a “woman all in white, more brilliant than the sun.” She told the children, “Please don’t be afraid of me, I’m not going to harm you.” When Lucia asked her where she came from, she told them, “I come from Heaven.” Our Lady wore a white mantle, edged with gold, and carried a rosary. She asked the children to pray and devote themselves to the Holy Trinity, and “to say the Rosary every day, to bring peace to the world and an end to the war.”

Over the course of her appearances, Mary revealed that the children would suffer, especially from the unbelief of their families, and that the two young children, Francisco and Jacinta, would be taken to Heaven, but Lucia would live longer, to spread the message of devotion to the Immaculate Heart.

When she appeared for the last time, Mary told Lucia, “I am the Lady of the Rosary.” That day, 70,000 people turned out to witness the apparition, because Mary had promised that she would show the people the apparitions were true. The crowd saw the sun make three circles, moving around the sky in a zigzag movement, that left no doubt about the truth. By 1930, the Bishop had approved of the apparitions and the message, and the Church has declared them authentic.

Our Lady told the children about her concerns that the world would face war, starvation, and persecution of the Church in the 20th century if people did not make reparations for sin. She told the children, and the Church, to pray and offer sacrifices to God so that peace may be spread across the world.

Our Lady of Fatima also revealed three prophetic “secrets.” The first two were revealed earlier, referring to the vision of hell and the souls languishing, the request for an ardent devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the prediction of the Second World War, and finally the prediction of the damage Russia would do by embracing Communism and rejecting Christianity.

The third secret was revealed in 2000 — “The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated.” This has been interpreted to include the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II in 1981, which happened on May 13, the 64th anniversary of the apparitions.


Padre Pio’s Sacred Heart Novena Prayer

 Padre Pio’s Sacred Heart Novena Prayer

Here is a prayer that Padre Pio would pray each time he wanted to intercede for someone. It is actually a prayer composed by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and is commonly called the “Efficacious Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.” She was a saint and a mystic who lived in the 17th century, and received multiple visions of Jesus during her lifetime.

Many believe this is a powerful prayer because it calls upon the heart of Jesus to have mercy on us and our petitions. Jesus’ heart is indeed full of love and compassion and this prayer trusts in that love, believing that he is tender enough to generously grant our petition if it is in his holy will.

O my Jesus, You have said: “Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.” Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of (here name your request). Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be … Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: “Truly I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father in My name, He will give it to you.” Behold, in Your name, I ask the Father for the grace of (here name your request). Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be … Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O my Jesus, You have said: “Truly I say to you, heaven and earth will pass away but My words will not pass away.” Encouraged by Your infallible words I now ask for the grace of (here name your request). Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be … Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of You, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your tender Mother and ours.

Say the Hail, Holy Queen and add: “St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us.”


Catholic Prayer Against the Devils Retaliation

Prayer Against the Devils Retaliation


The more we strive to be in union with God, the angrier the devil becomes.

Every time we choose humility over pride, the demons fume.

Despair is an opening for demonic forces because it causes us to doubt God’s mercy.

Our Father said to St Catherine of Siena:

“So the despair of Judas displeased me more and was a greater insult to my Son than his betrayal had been. Therefore, such as these are reproved for this false judgement of considering their sins to be greater than my mercy, and for this they are punished with the demons and tortured eternally with them.”

The prayer against retaliation serves as a reminder to the demons, but also to ourselves, that we have powerful intercessors on our side.

Catholic Prayer Against Retaliation

Lord Jesus Christ, in your love and mercy, pour Thy Precious Blood over me so that no demon or disembodied spirit may retaliate against me.

Mary, surround me with thy mantle, blocking any retaliating spirits from having any authority over me.

St. Michael, surround me with thy shield, so that no evil spirit may take revenge on me.

Queen of Heaven and St. Michael, send down the legions of angels under your command to fight off any spirits that would seek to harm me.

All you saints of heaven, impede any retaliating spirit from influencing me.

Lord, Thou are the Just Judge, the avenger of the wicked, the Advocate of the Just, we beg in Thy mercy, that all we ask of Mary, the angels and the saints of heaven be also granted to all our loved ones, those who pray for us and their loved ones, that for Thy Glory’s sake, we may enjoy Thy perfect protection.



Catholic Prayers: Prayer Of Command

Catholic Prayers: Prayer Of Command:   In His name and by the power of His Cross and Blood, I ask Jesus to bind any evil spirits, forces and powers of the earth, air, fire, or w...


Why Saint Anthony worked so hard to convert heretics


One of the reasons why Saint Anthony worked so hard to convert heretics was because he genuinely felt sorry for them.  He saw that they were depriving themselves of the Church and the most precious gift to the Church, the Most Holy Eucharist.  He truly believed that no one could long survive without this spiritual nourishment.

One day, a heretic told Anthony that he would believe that Christ was truly present in the Eucharist only if his mule bowed down to it.

They established that the test should take place in three days. The heretic starved his mule for the next three days. When the appointed time had arrived, Anthony stood off to one side with the consecrated host in his hands, while the heretic stood to the other holding some fodder for the mule to eat. The mule, ignoring its own extreme hunger, went before the Eucharist and knelt down to adore the Blessed Sacrament.


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