
Prayer to Ask Mary, Mother of Grace

(By. St. Athanasius, Bishop/Doctor)

Mary, our Mother! 
It becomes you to be mindful of us,
as you stand near Him who granted you all graces,
for you are the Mother of God and our Queen.

Help us for the sake of the King,
the Lord God and Master who was born of you.
For this reason,
you are called full of grace.

Remember us, most holy Virgin,
and bestow on us gifts
from the riches of your graces,
Virgin full of graces.


Personal Consecration Prayer of Family to Jesus

Jesus and Mary! 
You lived in the family at Nazareth with Joseph, so every family is dear to you.
Mother Mary, the Queen of the family, our family, united in mutual love, commits itself to your Immaculate Heart. Keep us under your maternal protection and lead us to your Son Jesus.

Lord Jesus, gathered in your name through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we consecrate and commit ourselves to your Sacred Heart. Mold our hearts after your heart so that you will live more and more in us and among us.

Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, (families with young children add: we especially consecrate and commit to you the upbringing of our children). Help us to fulfill our duties conscientiously, and to live according to the commandments of God and of the Church, especially the commandment to love God and our neighbour, living the Gospel in our hearts and acting according to the teachings of the Church under the leadership of the successor of St. Peter.

We want to respect one another, to forgive one another, faithfully carry our crosses and live a kind of love that is ready to give life for another. We will not close up in ourselves but be attentive to the needs of others.

As a home Church, our family should be a community of grace and prayer, a school of human and Christian virtues, especially of love. We will gladly cooperate in the life of our parish, participate in holy Mass and in the sacrament of confession, reconciling with God and with one another.
The Eucharist shall make us one body. Everyday family and personal prayer shall be our strongest and most powerful encouragement for accepting our responsibilities as a Christian family.
Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, protect us from every sin. We resolve especially to avoid sins against faith, hope and love, sins of swearing and unchastity, sins of the tongue and envy, sins of hatred and every evil.

We promise to keep the Lord’s Day holy. For conversion of sinners we will gladly pray the rosary and observe the devotion of the first Fridays and Saturdays. We will make reparation for all offences that we and the world alienated from God offend you with.

Help us to live constantly in the grace of God and stay faithful to you until the end. May all members of our family reach a happy old age and one day with our friends enjoy eternal happiness in heaven. 



The devil is tempting us to be afraid and discouraged in this time of Covid 19 pandemic crisis. 

If he can get your heart to question whether you are really loved, whether you really can conquer a particular sin, whether anyone cares for you, whether you are worthy, etc. – then he wins over your heart to fear and discouragement. This is why one of the most popular themes in the Bible is to have no fear. Faith, hope, and perfect love cast out fear, because we rest in the truth of Jesus, not in the lies of the devil.

Right now, many Catholics are afraid of having the Mass being inaccessible for a longer period. They worry about how long social distancing may last. They are scared about what the future might hold economically or politically. This is right where the devil wants you, in fear and discouragement. God wants you to hope. Hope that heaven is real. That God is in charge. That suffering can be redemptive and is always temporary.
Hope and be at peace.


Bible Verse For the Day- Mark 11:24

Therefore I tell you, 
Whatever you ask for in prayer
Believed that you 
have received it, 
And it will be yours. 


Proverbs 22:1

A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver and gold.


Bible Verse of the Day

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God- this is your true and proper worship


Mother's Day

Happy Mother's day greetings!!! 

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to every mother
In the world ♥ 💕... 

Calling Everyone to Join the World Day of Prayer, Fasting And Charity

Pope Francis has asked believers of all religions to unite spiritually on Thursday 14 May in a Day of Prayer, Fasting and Works of Charity, to implore God to help humanity overcome the coronavirus pandemic. 'All believers together, believers of different traditions, to pray, fast, and do works of charity.' Please share.


Healing Prayer For Family

Do you pray for your family to be free and healed? Today’s family is under tremendous pressure. The enemy wants us to be divided and isolated. But Almighty God desires forgiveness, unity and love.
The restoration of your family is the work of a lifetime. Some knots and wounds go back for generations. No family will ever be perfect. Still, Christ’s perfect work can free and heal your family in miraculous ways. Don’t place your expectations before God’s plan. Stay forever hopeful. This process of trusting and waiting forms your character as a child of God.
Dear heavenly Father, Do you see my family?
Broken and imprisoned By selfishness, fear, hurt And silence.
Won’t you help us, please? Send your Spirit, Oh Lord! Forgive us! Save us!
Pour out your mercy now! Cast out the enemy!
Place the promise in our hearts That nothing is impossible for you.
Give me the faith and courage to continue in prayer and service No matter what it takes,
No matter how long. I know Christ fights for us.
I know he died for us. I know he rose again on the 3rd day.
May that truth reach even The hardest of our hearts.
Set the captives free, Wash our deepest wounds.
And let me not be hurried, Lord.
Teach me to wait upon your grace, To rest in your will.
My family is worth the wait. Unite us in your all-consuming love.
In the holy name of Christ Jesus, Amen.


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