

Image result for birthday of mary mother of jesus

Nativity of Mary
Feast day: September 8


The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Nativity of Mary, or the Birth of the Virgin Mary, refers to a Christian feast day celebrating the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The modern canon of scripture does not record Mary's birth. Wikipedia
DateSunday, 8 September 2019

Mary, mother of Jesus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mary (Miriam)
Bornday unknown; traditionally celebrated September 8 (Nativity of Mary) c. 18 BC
Home townNazareth, Galilee
ChildrenJesus, possibly the brothers and sisters of Jesus.
The feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated each year on the eighth of September. ... It is generally believed that the date of September 8 was chosen to celebrate the Nativity of Mary since the civil year began in Constantinople on September 1.

The circumstances of the Virgin Mary's infancy and early life are not directly recorded in the Bible, but other documents and traditions describing the circumstances of her birth are cited by some of the earliest Christian writers from the first centuries of the Church.

Mary's father Joachim as a wealthy member of one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Joachim was deeply grieved, along with his wife Anne, by their childlessness. “He called to mind Abraham,” the early Christian writing says, “that in the last day God gave him a son Isaac.”

Joachim and Anne began to devote themselves extensively and rigorously to prayer and fasting, initially wondering whether their inability to conceive a child might signify God's displeasure with them.

As it turned out, however, the couple were to be blessed even more abundantly than Abraham and Sarah, as an angel revealed to Anne when he appeared to her and prophesied that all generations would honor their future child: “The Lord has heard your prayer, and you shall conceive, and shall bring forth, and your seed shall be spoken of in all the world.”

After Mary's birth, according to the Protoevangelium of James, Anne “made a sanctuary” in the infant girl's room, and “allowed nothing common or unclean” on account of the special holiness of the child. The same writing records that when she was one year old, her father “made a great feast, and invited the priests, and the scribes, and the elders, and all the people of Israel.”

“And Joachim brought the child to the priests,” the account continues, “and they blessed her, saying: 'O God of our fathers, bless this child, and give her an everlasting name to be named in all generations' . . . And he brought her to the chief priests, and they blessed her, saying: 'O God most high, look upon this child, and bless her with the utmost blessing, which shall be for ever.'”

Mary's parents, along with the temple priests, subsequently decided that she would be offered to God as a consecrated Virgin for the rest of her life, and enter a chaste marriage with the carpenter Joseph.

Saint Augustine described the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary as an event of cosmic and historic significance, and an appropriate prelude to the birth of Jesus Christ. “She is the flower of the field from whom bloomed the precious lily of the valley,” he said.

The fourth-century bishop, whose theology profoundly shaped the Western Church's understanding of sin and human nature, affirmed that “through her birth, the nature inherited from our first parents is changed."

We honor her today because we remember what is celebrated in the Angelus, a reminder of Mama Mary's response during the Annunciation- "The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.


Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary By st. Louis De Montfort

The Immaculate alone has from God the promise of victory over Satan. She seeks souls that will consecrate themselves entirely to her, that will become in her hands forceful instruments for the defeat of Satan and the spread of God's kingdom."
- St. Maximilian Kolbe

What does consecration mean in Catholic?
When something is consecrated it is declared to be sacred or holy. Many Catholics, for example, believe that bread and wine are consecrated, or made sacred during Holy Communion, becoming the body and blood of Christ. ... Something that is consecrated is intensely dedicated to the point of being declared holy.

What is consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary?
Consecration of the world and the human race to the Immaculate Heart meant that non-Christians would also be consecrated. ... Consecrating the world to theImmaculate Heart of Mary means drawing near, through the mother's intercession, to the very fountain of life that sprang from Golgotha.

What does consecration to Mary mean?
Consecration to Mary is consecration to the "perfect means" (Montfort) which Jesus chose to unite himself with us and vice versa. ... We must confide ourselves to the Heart of Mary in view of our consecration to God. We offer ourselves to this divine consecration through Mary, for she points the way to the heart of Jesus.


I, (Name), a faithless sinner - 
renew and ratify today in thy hands, 
O Immaculate Mother, 
the vows of my Baptism; 
I renounce forever Satan, 
his pomps and works; 
and I give myself entirely to Jesus Christ, 
the Incarnate Wisdom, 
to carry my cross after Him 
all the days of my life, 
and to be more faihful to Him 
than I have ever been before.

In the presence of all the heavenly court 
I choose thee this day, 
for my Mother and Mistress. 
I deliver and consecrate to thee, 
as thy slave, my body and soul, 
my goods, both interior and exterior, 
and even the value of all my good actions, 
past, present and future; 
leaving to thee the entire 
and full right of disposing of me, 
and all that belongs to me, without exception, 
according to thy good pleasure, 
for the greater glory of God, 
in time and in eternity.


"Happy are the faithful slaves of the Queen of Heaven, for they will enjoy true freedom."

- St. Cecilia to Mother Agnes of Jesus, as quoted by St. Louis de Montfort




Oh most Sacred Heart of Jesus, 
we come to you as a family 
and consecrate ourselves to Your Sacred Heart. 
Protect us through Your Most Precious Blood 
and keep us pure and holy.

Oh Dear Jesus, 
we are so far away from Your most pure and Sacred Heart.
As a family we need Your help. 
Heal all the quarrels that exist 
in our family due to our unforgiveness 
and lack of love for You. 
Heal our unbelieving and unconverted hearts 
and lead us to Your Sacred Heart with love. 
Unite us as a family 
and remove all stain of sinfulness from our souls. 
Help us to be a prayerful and loving family, 
so that through our example 
we may lead other souls to Your Most Sacred Heart.

We give You our hearts Dearest Jesus, 
and consecrate our family through the fourth generation. 
Through the prayers of our Dearest Mother Mary,
may we live this consecration every day of our lives. 

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, 
have pity on us.


Act of Adoration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Act of Adoration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

1. The Word was made Flesh,

and dwelt among us.

Eternal Word, made man for love of us, humbly prostrate at 
Thy feet, we adore Thee with our whole mind, 
and with the most profound veneration. To make amends for 
our ingratitude for so great a benefit, we unite in 
of heart with all those who love Thee, and offer Thee, our 
most humble and affectionate thanksgivings. 
Deeply conscious of that excess of humility, goodness, and 
sweetness, which we acknowledge in the Divine Heart, 
we petition Thee for Thy grace to imitate these virtues, 
so pleasing to Thee.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory be to the Father...

2. He was crucified also for us,
suffered under Pontius Pilate
and was buried.

Jesus, our admirable Redeemer, humbly prostrate at Thy 
feet, we adore Thee with our whole mind, 
and with the most profound veneration. To testify the 
grief which we feel for our past insensibility to all 
the outrages 
and sufferings which Thy most loving Heart made Thee 
endure for our salvation, on Thy bitter Passion and 
we unite in sincerity of heart with all those who love 
Thee, in order that we may thank Thee with our whole 
We admire the infinite patience and generosity of Thy 
Divine Heart, and petition Thee to replenish our 
hearts with that 
spirit of christian mortification which will make us 
embrace sufferings courageously and fix our great 
and all our glory in Thy cross.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory be to the Father...

3. Thou hast given them bread from heaven,
which abounds with all delights.

O Jesus, burning with love for us, humbly prostrate at Thy 
feet, we adore Thee with our whole mind, 
and with the most profound veneration. In order to make 
atonement for the outrages which Thy Divine Heart daily 
receives in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, we 
unite in sincerity of heart with all those who love Thee, 
and render Thee the most affectionate thanksgiving. We 
love, in Thy Divine Heart, that intensely burning love 
which Thou entertain for Thine Eternal Father, and 
humbly beseech Thee to inflame our hearts 
with an ardent love of Thee and of our neighbor.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory be to the Father...

Finally, O most amiable Jesus, we beseech Thee, by the 
sweetness of Thy Most Sacred Heart, to convert the 
to comfort the afflicted, to assist the agonizing, and to 
afford relief to the holy souls suffering in purgatory. 
Unite our hearts in the bonds of true peace and charity, 
deliver us from an unseen death, 
and grant that we may die in holiness and tranquility of 


V. Heart of Jesus, burning with love of us,
R. Inflame our hearts with love of Thee.

Let Us Pray. - Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that 
we who glory in the Most Sacred Heart of Thy beloved 
and bear in mind the exceedingly great benefits of His 
charity towards us, may delight in the good conferred 
on us, 
and enjoy its effects, through the same Christ our Lord.


O Divine Heart of Jesus, I adore Thee with all the powers 
of my soul; I consecrate them to Thee for ever, 
with all my thoughts, words, and actions, and my whole 
self. I desire to adore Thee, to love Thee, and to glorify Thee, 
in the same manner, as far as possible, as Thou does 
adore love and glorify Thy Eternal Father. Be Thou, 
I beseech Thee, the Restorer of my weakness, and the 
Protector of my life, my refuge, 
and my asylum at the hour of my death. I conjure Thee, by 
the sighs and anguish in which 
Thou were immersed for me during the whole course of Thy 
mortal life, to grant me a true contrition for my sins,
a contempt of earthly things, an ardent desire of eternal 
glory, confidence in Thine infinite merits, 
and final perseverance in Thy grace.
O Heart of Jesus, all love, I offer Thee these humble 
prayers for myself, 
and for all those who unite in spirit with me in adoring 
Thee. Vouchsafe, through Thine infinite goodness, 
to receive and hear them; above all, for him who among us 
shall first depart from this mortal life. 
O amiable Heart of my Savior, pour down upon him, in the 
agony of death, Thine interior consolations; 
receive him into Thy sacred Wounds; purify him from every 
defilement in this furnace of love, 
that Thou may grant him admittance into Thy glory, 
where he may become intercessor, before Thy presence, 
for all those who remain in this exile.

O Most Holy Heart of my dearly beloved Jesus, I desire to 
renew and to offer Thee these acts of adoration, 
and these prayers, every moment I breathe, to the end of 
my life, for myself, a miserable sinner, and for all 
who are associated with me to adore Thee. I recommend 
to Thee, O my Jesus, the holy Catholic Church, Thy 
beloved spouse and our true mother; also, the souls 
who are undergoing Thy justice and all poor sinners, 
the afflicted, the agony, and all mankind. Do not 
permit Thy Blood, poured out for them, to become 
useless to them. Vouchsafe, finally, to apply it for 
the relief of the souls in purgatory, and for those in 
particular who, during life, were wont devoutly to 
adore Thee.

O most amiable Heart of Mary, the most pure of all hearts 
of creatures, and the most replete with the love of 
the Heart of Jesus, at the same time most merciful 
towards us, poor sinners, obtain for us, from the 
Heart of our Redeemer, the graces we ask of thee. 
Mother of mercy, one look from thee, one movement of 
Thy Heart, burning with love for that of Jesus, thy 
divine Son, can fully console us. Grant us, therefore, 
this favor; and then this divine Heart of Jesus, 
through the filial love which it bore, and always will 
bear towards thee, shall not fail to hear and answer 
our request.

An Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

An Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 

Most loving Jesus, 
I consecrate myself today anew and 
without reserve to Thy divine Heart. 
I consecrate to Thee my body with all its senses, 
my soul with all its faculties, and in short, my entire being. 
I consecrate to Thee all my thoughts, words and deeds; 
all my sufferings and labours; all my hopes, consolations and joys; 
and chiefly do I consecrate to Thee this poor heart of mine, 
to the end that it may love nothing save only Thee, 
and may be consumed as a victim in the fire of Thy love.
Accept, O Jesus,
thou dearest Spouse of my soul,
the desire which I have of consoling Thy divine heart,
and of belonging to thee for ever.
Take possession of me in such wise
that from this day forth I may have no other freedom,
save that of loving Thee,
and no other life,
save that of suffering and dying for Thee;
I put my trust in Thee without reserve,
and I hope for the remission of my sins
through Thine infinite bounty.
I place within Thy hands all my cares and anxieties,
especially as touching my eternal salvation.
I promise to love Thee and honour Thee
to the last moment of my life,
and to spread, as much as I can,
the worship of Thy most Sacred Heart.
Dispose of me, my Jesus,
according to Thy good pleasure;
I would have no other reward save Thy greater glory and
Thy holy love.
Grant me grace to find my home in Thy divine Heart;
here would I pass every day of my life;
here would I breathe forth my last breath;
only do Thou establish in my heart Thy dwelling place,
the seat of Thy rest,
in order that we may thus remain inseparably united;
and so may I one day be able to praise Thee,
love Thee and possess Thee for ever in the kingdom of
where I shall sing without end
the infinite mercies of Thy Sacred Heart.




Prayer of St. Gertrude to the Sacred Heart

Here is one touching prayer to the Sacred Heart Saint GERTRUDE authored:

"I salute thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, living and vivifying source of eternal life, infinite treasure of the Divinity, ardent furnace of Divine love; Thou art the place of my repose and my refuge. Enkindle in my heart the fire of that ardent love with which Thine own is all inflamed; pour into my heart the great graces of which Thine is the source, and grant that my heart may be so closely united to Thine, that Thy will may be mine, and that my will may be eternally conformed to Thine, since I desire that henceforth Thy holy will may be the rule of all my desires and all my actions. Amen."

There is another one which is as follows below:

"SANCTITY of the Heart of Jesus, consecrate my heart; providence of the Heart of Jesus, watch over my heart; unchangeableness of the Heart of Jesus, strengthen my heart; purity of the Heart of Jesus, purify my heart; obedience of the Heart of Jesus, subjugate my heart; amiability of the Heart of Jesus, make Thyself known to my heart; Divine attractions of the Heart of Jesus, captivate my heart; riches of the Heart of Jesus, do ye suffice for my heart; floods of grace and blessing that flow from the Heart of Jesus, inundate my heart. O Heart of Jesus! be Thou my joy, my peace, my repose in this world and in the next. O Heart of Jesus! adored in Heaven, invoked on earth, feared in Hell, reign over all hearts, reign throughout all ages, reign forever in celestial g1ory. Amen. "

Prayer To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus

When in Difficulties- Prayer To The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Almighty Arms of Jesus before you, I with all my faith beg you for comfort. ln my difficult situation do not forsake me Good Jesus.  Open your doors in my way that your Almighty Arms will open and close as you desire to give that tranquility that I so desire.

(Make your Petitions)

0 my God, receive that supplication from a wounded heart that is always fighting for me.With your divine power never let me scramble for want of help. Almighty Jesus assist me to find a shelter in your celestial country forever,


Those who shall promote this devotion shall have their names written in the SacredHeart of Jesus.


1. I will give them all the graces necessary in their state of life.

2. I will establish peace in their homes.

3. I will comfort them in all their afflictions.

4. I will be their secure refuge during life, and above all, in death.

5. I will bestow abundant blessings upon all their undertakings.

6. Sinners will find in my Heart the source and infinite ocean of mercy.

7. Lukewarm souls shall become fervent.

8. Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection.

9. I will bless every place in which an image of my Heart is exposed and honored.

10. I will give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened hearts.

11. Those who shall promote this devotion shall have their names written in my Heart.

12. I promise you in the excessive mercy of my Heart that my all-powerful love will grant to all those who receive Holy Communion on the First Fridays in nine consecutive months the grace of final perseverance; they shall not die in my disgrace, nor without receiving their sacraments. My divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment.


St. Jude Novena Prayer In Time Of Financial Crisis

Image result for saint jude
Jude the Apostle 

DescriptioJude, also known as Judas Thaddaeus, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. He is generally identified with Thaddeus, and is also variously called Jude of James, Jude Thaddaeus, Judas Thaddaeus or Lebbaeus.WikipediaBornGalilee, Israel

Died28 October 70 AD, Parthian Empire
Full nameJude of Galilee

Saint Jude is the patron of Hopeless Causes and Desperate Situations. Pray these novena prayers to Saint Jude with confidence. Catholics have relied on his intercession in times of extreme need for centuries. This Apostle and Martyr has helped countless souls through his epistle in the New Testament and his intercessions on behalf of those who seek his aid in times of trial. Pray this novena for your intentions asking St. Jude to intercede to God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit on your behalf.

St. Jude Novena
Most holy apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired of. Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Make use I implore you, of that particular privilege given to you, to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of.
Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly – I pray to ask for enough money to pay off all our debts and to help our children and to have peace of mind for our future. To help those that I know need financial assistance. I promise to use it wisely.
I come to you in great despair and feel hopeless in terms of my debt. I can’t see any way out of our dismal situation. Right now we are barely able to keep up with our bills. I pray that you would pray for my family in this time of crisis.
Pray God's will be done and ask Jesus to give us a way that we may be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel that I may praise God with you and all the elect forever.
I promise, O blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen




Our Rosary Intention For This Week

Let us pray the Rosary this week everday with our Blessed Mother for the following intentions:

1. Young people, who are called to follow Christ, may they be willing to proclaim and bear witness to the Gospel to the ends of the earth

2. Prisoners, may they be treated with justice and respect for their human dignity

3. That refugees, forced by violence to abandon their homes, may find a generous welcome and the protection of their rights.

4. That parents and teachers may help the new generations to grow up with an upright conscience and a consistent life.

5. That the particular Churches of the African continent, faithful to the Gospel proclamation, may promote the building of peace and justice.

6. All individuals affected by storms, floods, fires, weather misfortunes, may they rebuild upon the rock of Christ, and live for eternal goals and treasure

7. Those who have serious health problems, are going to have surgery or have had surgery, may the Lord guide the hands of the surgeons, fill the hearts of the nurses, that they may help bring health and comfort to those affected with difficulties and sickness.

8. Strength in body, mind, and spirit, in continuing our daily duties and responsibilities; may we continue to seek our Lord, embrace the Cross, and draw closer to our neighbors through charity

9. God's mercy to open hearts of those who live today without hope and in darkness, may the Light of Heaven shine into their soul and lead them out towards the glory of the Lord.

10. May the Immaculate Heart of our Mother and Queen, bring purity, perseverance, & peace through prayer

We pray in our homes the Rosary daily at our leisure, but we pray together as a global family in unison everyday during the Hour of Divine Mercy in Jerusalem 15:00-16:00 (3-4PM). Please check your timezone below. All who are able to attend at this time are invited. We will also pray for your personal intentions, those posted and those which are kept silent in your heart. May the Lord hear our prayers.


15:00 (3PM) Jerusalem, Israel

22:00 (10PM) Sydney, Australia

21:00 (9PM) Tokyo, Japan

20:00 (8PM)Manila,Philippines; KualaLumpur,Malaysia

19:00 (7PM) Jakarta, Indonesia

17:30 (5:30PM) Mumbai, India

16:00 (4PM) Moscow, Russia

15:00 Beirut, Lebanon; Istanbul,Turkey; Nairobi,Kenya

14:00 (2PM) Warsaw, Poland; Rome, Italy

13:00 (1PM) Lagos, Nigeria; London, UK

12:00 (12PM) Reykjavik, Iceland

09:00 (9AM) Rio de Janiero, Brazil

08:00 (8AM) New York, USA

07:00 (7AM) Chicago, USA

06:00 (6AM) Edmonton, Canada

05:00 (5AM) Los Angeles, USA


Shortest And Most Powerful Miracle Prayer Never Known to Fail

Lord Jesus, I come before Thee, just as I am, I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In Thy Name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their works. I give Thee my entire self, Lord Jesus, I accept Thee as my Lord God and Savior. Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul, and spirit.
Come Lord Jesus, cover me with Thy Precious Blood, and fill me with Thy Holy Spirit, I love Thee Lord Jesus, I praise Thee Lord Jesus, I thank Thee Jesus, I shall follow Thee every day of my life. Amen.
Mary, My Mother, Queen of Peace, all the Angels and Saints, please help me. Amen.



Holy angel, to whose care this poor soul and wretched body of mine have been given, do not cast me off because I am a sinner, do not hold aloof from me because I am not clean. Do not yield your place to the Spirit of Evil; guide me by your influence on my mortal body. Take my limp hand and bring me to the path that leads to salvation.
Yes, holy angel, God has given you charge of my miserable little soul and body. Forgive every deed of mine that has ever offended you at any time in my life; forgive the sins I have committed today. Protect me during the coming night and keep me safe from the machinations and contrivances of the Enemy, that I may not sin and arouse God’s anger.
Intercede for me with the Lord; ask him to make me fear him more and more, and to enable me to give him the service his goodness deserves. Amen.




Glorious Saint Cajetan, acclaimed by all people to be the father of providence because you provide miraculous aid to all in need, I stand here before you today, asking that you present to the Lord our God the requests that I confidently deposit in your hands today.

May these graces that I now request help me to always seek the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness, knowing that God — who dresses with beauty the flowers of the field and abundantly feeds the birds of the sky — will give me all other things. Amen.




Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

Saint Teresa of Avila: The Incorruptible Mystic and Her Miraculous Fragrant Oil

  Saint Teresa of Avila, also known as Saint Teresa of Jesus, remains one of the most revered Catholic saints, known for her deep spirituali...

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